Friday, October 2, 2009

Brilliant Move or .................................?


Posted by ugahchua

Penduduk dari Rumah Mau anak Draman, Enteban Skrang dalam kawasan daerah kecil Engkilili, Sri Aman menolak hasrat pihak KeAdilan Pakatan Rakyat (PKR) yang mahu mengadakan perjumpaan bersama penduduk di situ kelmarin.

Tr Mau (tengah), Bau (kiri) dan Rimong (kanan)“Sebelum itu pihak PKR ada mengadakan mesyuarat di Tr Irak, Merindun pada hari Sabtu lepas namun tidak mendapat sambutan mengalakkan daripada penduduk di rumah panjang itu sendiri.
“Mengotorkan rumah panjang ini”

“Selepas itu mereka mahu mengadakan mesyuarat di sini kelmarin namun hasrat mereka saya tolak kerana tidak mahu ‘mengotorkan’ rumah panjang ini,” kata Tr Mau, 68, kepada pemberita di Sri Aman.

PKR, kata Mau bercadang mahu menubuhkan pergerakan wanita di rumah Irak, Merindun.
Rombongan PKR ke rumah Irak,

Merindun dan Rumah Mau, Enteban itu diketuai oleh Ahli Parlimen Ampang merangkap Ketua Pergerakan Wanita PKR, Hajah Zuraida Kamaruddin, Ketua Pergerakan Wanita PKR Sarawak, Ibi Uding, Ketua Pergerakan Wanita PKR Sarawak Lubok Antu, Agnes Chandu Daud dan Beginda Minda.

Bau ak Nyawai – ada project Barisan national
Seorang penduduk rumah panjang berkenaan iaitu Bau anak Nyawai, 58, pula berkata bahawa kehadiran PKR tidak diperlukan oleh penduduk rumah panjang di situ buat masa sekarang.
Ini kerana kerajaan yang diteraju oleh komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) menurut beliau telah melaksanakan tugas dengan baik untuk melaksana pelbagai projek pembangunan di kawasan mereka sehingga ke masa sekarang.

Rimong ak Ajang – tidak pernah sokong pembangkang
Seorang lagi penduduk di situ iaitu Rimong anak Ajang, 39, tidak mahu PKR berkempen di rumah panjang mereka memandangkan beliau tidak pernah memberikan sokongan terhadap parti pembangkang berkenaan sebelum ini.
“Penduduk di sini termasuk saya masih menyokong parti komponen BN. Jadi tidak perlulah pihak PKR bertandang ke rumah panjang kami di sini untuk menyebarkan ideologi politik mereka,” menurut beliau

Dayakbaru Comment:

Johnichol Rayong won the Engkilili State seat using SNAP ticket – an Opposition party in Sarawak.
What is the reason – could not be many development from BN.

September 29, 2009 · Filed Under Politic


Reserved Player on September 29th, 2009 2:00 am
Lain macam ja berita nie?
Rumah Orang Iban di Sarawak ka?
Macam Rumah di Skrang, engkelili, lubok antu ja?
Betul ka semua sudah tutup pintu?
Macam mana dia tutup itu pintu?
Pakai Padlock diamond ka?
Kasi cerita sikit dulu pahal mereka ini masih mau sokong itu BN? Ada itu BN kasi mereka buat Rumah Panjang macam itu istana sama macam itu istana di jalan bako sana ka?
Itu istana jalan bako nampak ‘gate’=pintu pagar saja wo. Tada bohong punya. Kasi ini Tr Mau, kasi ini bau anak Nyawai, rimong anak ajang pegi sana tengok pakai mata sendiri. kasi compare dia punya rumah panjang sama dengan itu istana. ada sama ka tidak?
haiyaaaa.. punya orang. Urang ka nemuai tau di bai ke ruai, nibuah meh tama bilik.
dayaklama on September 29th, 2009 3:00 am
Pemain Simpanan,
Rumah Orang Iban di Sarawak ka?——————————————–
Why ask the stupid question? Where else then? Supposely there are Iban’s longhouses in Selangor you think PR can take Selangor from BN?

cobra on September 29th, 2009 10:31 am
Ini lah masyarakat Dayak Lama,Mentaliti mereka sudah diracun oleh BN.
malong on September 29th, 2009 11:30 am
mentaliti sirat org iban ba batang ai.
Miss Kepayang on September 29th, 2009 11:48 am
Hey guys, What’s up? No news is good news. The following intelligence information is up for Dayakbaru & Dayaklama to digest.
DCM office after receiving complaints from some TR in LA has came out with some form of guidelines on the Do and the Don’t for political organization to observe in rural areas and among longhouse folks.The guidelines stated among others that ALL TR must not entertain or host any event organize by Peninsula base opposition party PKR. TR George Silang from Betong whom I met at BDC coffee-shop this morning confirmed receiving such letter. However he revealed that the directive is only for longhouses in Betong Districts numbering some 286.“To me it make no different because we never entertain any opposition to our longhouse since Kalong’s day. We are steadfast behind BN Yang dikasihi.” lamented TR Silang.Strangely the letter did not say whether it cover event organize by DAP, PAS, SNAP, SAPP or other opposition parties. It is also silent on the action to taken should the TR flout the directive.
Sempurai on September 29th, 2009 12:24 pm
Nyallau, Rayong and Mossen have been very busy visiting their constituencies on only one mission, scared to lose in the next general election.
PE on September 29th, 2009 12:33 pm
TR and mandal tuai rumah aja enggai TANG bala bukai deka but cannot overrule the TR.
ex-PBDS on September 29th, 2009 12:56 pm
Aku kala meda sereta ninga siti cerita realiti… cerita tu nyadi di pasar Kanowit…Bisi iban siko benong meli utai di kedai cina;
Iban : Semua barang udah niki hega magang-magang toke.Cina : Ukai pia kaban, ukai aku ka niki, pehintah udah niki hega dah.Iban : Lapa pehintah ngaga kitai bakanya?Cina : Nadai nemu aku. Lu tanya itu Malawi(Badawi, ex-PM) meh..Iban : Badu aku nyukong pehintah ila dah..
Nangka nya aja aku ninga randau seduai iya…Cerita tu nyadi taun 2008 suba rambau minyak ke berega RM2.70 seliter.
From my observation, rakyat at LA,BA or Engkelili never learn a lesson.. simply lost their past anger towards the gomen when election time came. Sad to say so… What happen to the fellow in Kanowit, happen to the people in LA, BA… and maybe all the rural constituents in Sarawak..One things bear in my minds, they simply don’t have life principles… Simple as that. You give them money, they would blindly follow you.. that’s why in my recent posting, I urged my fellow DB blogger to use the concept of Perang Saraf.. read it and you would know how to use the strategy… Cheers.

Lintong on September 29th, 2009 1:14 pm
BN moulding process of Dayak people,what a pity. That is why ‘cawat mentality’ is still strong in certain areas.(needless to name.)
The poor Dayaks in these longhouses are ‘muffled and blindfolded’.They are not allowed to see or hear or talk about the other side of the hills or valleys,where the pastures could be much greener and beautiful.Are we going to be like those in Old USSR or China or like those in modern Myanmar,kena jengkaman KUKU BESI ? So desperate kah BN ??

Panjai Runding Panjai Ruai on September 29th, 2009 1:32 pm
Wat Rayong patut ngemajuka Party Malaysian Dayak Congress enti iya enggai meda bala dayak beterudus masuk tauka nyukung PKR!!!!
idup iban on September 29th, 2009 1:33 pm
Nye reti ya iban bdau ulih ngubah budaya politik..sida agi ka nitih ke politik tradisional…iban degil.
Kahdayak on September 29th, 2009 2:02 pm
TR mina bisi kuasa nagang bala penyakal datai ka rumah. Ulih ka enda bala TR ila maia bepilih nagang urang ngundi penyakal. The wind of change is blowing slowly. Baka bah tunggal pasang raya & angin biau balai ti datai ni ulih tagang. Whoever BN candidates have bad dreams and nightmares may be defeated in the coming GE………..Can we stop the tides and hurricanes…….
dayaklama on September 29th, 2009 2:17 pm
This piece of news, needless to say provide Dayaklama the much needed moral booster. It is a step in the right direction to stave off attempt by PR to infiltrate into BN stronghold esp. in rural constituencies.
We do not want longhouse dwellers to be “tainted” with the spreading of PR/PAS political ideology and prefer that they do what they want to do in Malaya. Lets the Sarawakian decide its own destiny.
Dayaklama hoped that the directive would not only be confined to Betong but also to other longhouses throughout the state. This is necessary as part of in house cleansing where only BN loyalist TR be retained and give allowances.
I believed the directive will cause more distraught and panic among DB esp. KM, CI and the alike.
sukati on September 29th, 2009 3:03 pm
FAKTA“kehadiran PKR tidak diperlukan oleh penduduk rumah panjang di situ “buat masa sekarang” .”
SEBAB-”Ini kerana kerajaan yang diteraju oleh komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) menurut beliau telah melaksanakan tugas dengan baik”
Anang kiruh ke urang cak..cuba kitak meri siti chunto pemansang ke dibai parti pembangkang? haha..
menoa ke dipegai anwar ibrahim pan mundur/miskin. alai ku nemu laban aku 11tahun pengelama diau din.

MERAMAT TAJAK on September 29th, 2009 3:33 pm
DayakBaru readers,
It pained me to read how the 3 Tuai Rumahs have been held psychologically-captive, to the point of turning away well-meaning visitors to their longhouses with phony excuses.
Doesn’t it becomes all the more absurd, when one imagine that the same Tuai Rumahs would perform Ngajat with such passion when the YBs comes around visiting, all for the promise of meagre material subsidies and MRPs ?
No principle. No adat basa. No backbone, just like matal mulong, no ? All for the money ? Is that real Iban, real Dayak ?
It does feel like looking at pigs running helter skelter and making snorty noise while running to the dulang with the most food, while a big lorry is parked nearby, ready to transport the pigs to a slaughterhouse !
To pity, to laugh, to hate, to be angry, to feel guilty, to be satisfied, to feel vindicated … ah, which emotion to indulge ?
I suppose, which emotions you choose to indulge, determines where you are on the political divide.
To me: its a pity that the PKR team were not welcome.Alternative views,opinions – deserve to be heard.And for goodness sake, real Iban, don’t turn away their temuai.What have the “world” makes the Iban do – to themselves ?
Sarawakian on September 29th, 2009 3:48 pm
Ko Tuai Rumah Mau ” hasrat mereka saya tolak kerana tidak mahu ‘mengotorkan’ rumah panjang ini,”. Plaba aku sentences ka sebendar ia ka disebut ia “enti sida tamak kitu, enda terima elaun/gaji aku bulan tuk lagi. Tauka sida BN enggai milih aku nyadi Tuai Rumah agi. Pio ko pikir dik aki?

ugahchua on September 29th, 2009 3:53 pm
MT,Let it be known that this is not the first inccident of that nature and believe me it won’t be the last. Prior the the Batang Ai by-election a group of the so-call motivitional speakers were also chased out. Its once again proved beyond doubt that the Iban community generally is contented with the present establishment.
Pls DB stop harrassing them, leave them alone. The more you push them to the corner the more they revolt.
To you and me it may be a well-meaning visit but to them its akin to painting them with a black paint and as I said this is not an isolated case
kenyalang on September 29th, 2009 5:10 pm
based on this situation(may be i give the first impression).Meaning that Dayak component party(SPDP and PRS) is still strong because SPDP and PRS the candidate(waklil rakyat) is sNAP and PBDS former party,so person like YB.james jemut masing still have a power to attract the (penduduk rumah panjai) to vote BN component party. Second reason why the dayak indigenous people don’t want to vote pKR is because PKR is the party from peninsular malaysia,same like all the dayak no need the UMNO in sarawak because PBB still strong,that why Taib buban said “pkr tidak ada kredibiliti untuk takluki swk”
diato konsep idup mina ngulih ke diri aja..kediri kaya kedirik senang,anak uchu dudi ari lain kira..and this is the mentality of dayak.Nyak alai sesetengah rumah panjai sekeda berebut ka nyadi tuai rumah serta nyadi pengulu rumah panjai.
Malaysian dayak congress want to register the party but,the federal government said the dayak have a lot of party like SPDP and PRS..including SNAP..ulih kini SNAP tu diterima bala dayak ti ya ngelaban perintah menoa swk..,may the reason is candidate in SNAP nadai sapa ka dititih agi,SNAP dah masuk ICU…persoalan ya diato sapa muka2 YB iban dayak empu muka pemecah party serta berebut deka nyadi tuai?ya ka deka ngulih ka pengeraja diri empu..

Ular Nanga Sadong on September 29th, 2009 10:42 pm
Tr.Kata nenek saya;seseorg ketua masyarakat adalah org yg matang dan bersopan santun,adil dan bijak. Tapi jika tr itu tdk menerima kehadiran tetamu dia,dia bukanlah org seperti yg saya katakan diatas tadi. Udok org lelang enti dti kerumah kitai pen d beri kitai makai meh wai, kati ko kitai ta enda bebasa k temuai deh? Bakanya tr bn pia…? Berunding panjai meh aki..,aki.! Tingkir k sirat.umbasnya aram kitai nganggau k sida PKR,nusi k sida D.A.P lalu madah k sida P.A.S penusah kitai dyk nadai agi tanah,pemedis kitai enda d ampit k bisnis kerja ngi kitai nadai menyana…..angkat kitai dyk ngambi kitai dyk nadai agi kena sumpah niang BALANG suba.laban kenu ko ia, kitai dyk meh megai perintah ila. Idup dyk! Idup DB! Idup PR! He..he..he,..!
bjngskrang on September 30th, 2009 7:38 am
aku selalu nyebut leboh tuai kitai udah kena pejal,sida mina ngira pengidup ke diatu aja.taun bukai,gererasi bukai nadai nya dikira.lebuh udah kena emba nya meh gaya.anang ka mensia ,sema melikat ka niki pan diburu pulai.ti ati udah kena panjuk kuasa enggau duit,adat tauka basa nadai dipeduli.
enda ka tr.orang ke ngempung adat ba bansa kitai.?enda ke tr .orang ke selalu ngajar psal adat basa?enda ke tr selalu ngadu ka laya,adat tusun tunggu,selalu disuh bejaku maya orang kawin,mati tauka pengawa bukai?
sida baka ka ngena magang ba semua pekara.bejaku landik,pandai ngelangkung,serta pandai mega poco-poco.sida ngajar rakyat utai ti manah,adat ti lurus,jako peransang ,jalai pengarap.tang ba kes ka sekali tu,nagang temui datai niki rumah,katinya adat basa?katinya adat iban?tauka tegal kelalu ka mansang sekeda tr nulak adat basa?
nya meh gaya tuai kitai.engka tegal umur udah tuai kini,tauka penemu lalu enda nemu tuai -tuai!

ugahchua on September 30th, 2009 9:54 am
One Indian gone, pocketed by BN, hoping to see more DB switching allegiance.
Talking about statistic, facts and figures….not only that but a living testimony from former DB in the person of Agnes Chendu Daud. PKR Lubok Antu Women Chief today announced her decision to quit PKR and now switched her allegiance to BN.
Her decision to quit PKR is because of the many unfulfilled promises by the opposition. SHe also claimed that her struggle in PKR all this while has been in vain coz in there “abok pun tak ada”
So DB open your eyes and ears and follow the footstep of Agnes Chendu before you live to regret.
august on September 30th, 2009 12:24 pm
Ugahchua,I think you are satisfied with your life receiving loads of goodies from BN gomen.My advice is, main jauh-jauh because as far as dayak is concerned, we want more from what this country has to offer, everything.This is only by way of change. You may maintain your status-quo. Hopefully, if you do go main jauh-jauh, please bring along dayaklama and many others whom I know pay 100% allegiance to BN gomen when other fellow dayaks are discriminated by present BN gomen.

ketupung on September 30th, 2009 9:16 pm
jai mat adat tuai rumah nya neh…temuai datai lalu nda dilalu niki.kati t bala keling bungai nuing, bala laja bungai jawa ka niki rumah ia lalu diburu ia ga. ooo…. nti pia bsi ndar asai tuai rumah nya ila..nda tau titih adat tuia rumah nya. uji badu nyadi tuai rumah.nt adat t simple bakanya pen nda ulih diadu.ujung2 rayat pen sama jai adat baka ia ila nti majak ngai ngelalu ke temuai niki. bisi asai nda di tutu lalat asi ila ila….

dayaklama on September 30th, 2009 11:26 pm
MT,To me: its a pity that the PKR team were not welcome.Alternative views,opinions – deserve to be heard.And for goodness sake, real Iban, don’t turn away their temuai.What have the “world” makes the Iban do – to themselves ?————————————————-
Common MT, you are no longer sound neutral now, ye.
This tuai know very well the intention of these visitors, it is no other than want to spreading lies and hate towards the BN gomen. Why not turn them away?Why don’t you blame some DB here who refused to listen to main stream media from the RTM or TV 3.

Raymondsl on September 30th, 2009 11:46 pm
Enti sida iya enggai kati ko enggau deh. Tang enti bala temuai datai, tau ga suruh lalu duduk enda lama. Endang adat kitai Iban enda tau muru temuai. Deh udok kaka datai pen agi diberi makai. Nadai penyalah betanya berita pangan diri. Bai nrigup kopi dulu kini, berandau ka utai bukai ga. Anang aja ai kopi Pak Belalang P Ramlee. Tang anang ga sampai enggai meda pangan diri ketegal penemu ke enda sama. Enti leboh maia tusah tauka rabat, anang enda betulong. Kaban tetap kaban. To err is human and to forgive is divine. Nya aja lalau ari aku bakih.

Reserved Player on October 1st, 2009 12:08 am
bujang lemanak on October 1st, 2009 1:14 am
rayong semina meri projek mrp ngagai penyokong iya aja ianya penyokong snap aja,iya mri ba endor bn ti alah,retinya maia bepilih taun 2006 nya pan sarir datuk ugah yb pbb ti deka bediri di engkilili leboh bepilih kunsil nengeri ti deka datai. kasih orang engkilili, suba yb tunsan ari song,dah nya ka ditampong krai ari po ai,sri aman, diatu yb ugah nyerarai ari betong, orang engkilili nadai pandai pia, semua genggam orang menua bukai magang

MERAMAT TAJAK on October 1st, 2009 9:59 am
dayaklama on September 30th, 2009 11:26 pm———————————————–Common MT, you are no longer sound neutral now, ye.
This tuai know very well the intention of these visitors, it is no other than want to spreading lies and hate towards the BN gomen. Why not turn them away?Why don’t you blame some DB here who refused to listen to main stream media from the RTM or TV 3.————————————————
Strictly from the adat Iban side, the 3 Tuai Rumah has no basis to turn away Temuai, even political temuai.
If they don’t agree with the message, they can choose to allow the visitors to visit door-to-door, instead of meeting in the ruai of the Tuai Rumah.
I would have more respect for the Tuai Rumah if they had stated as much to the visitors “you are welcome to visit my anembiak bilik, whoever may welcome you, since it is in Iban tradition to welcome visitors, whoever they are. I do not support you, and will not allow you to use my ruai for your official function. I cannot prohibit you from visiting the anembiak in their bilek “.
Lets not forget the PR alliance got 52% of the vote in Peninsula Malaysia, in the last GE – thats more than 13 million Malaysians. It is not very wise for any Dayak Tuai Rumah to contemplate to follow the footsteps of the 3 Tuai Rumah. I don’t believe PR would be vindictive, but “sekali perintah menoa bekalih”, the Dayak leadership, including the Tuai Rumahs, will have much adjustments to make.
Neutral – no, I won’t be spending my time here, if I am. However, I champion the cause of Dayak who are downtrodden (and many doesn’t know it!) – and I will have no qualms to bash anyone and any political party for the cause. Many would champion something, because they may expect something in return, or they may be “fighting” the good fight in cyberspace in the name of the masters to whom they have been beholden. I want nothing. In fact, for the likes of Jalen anak Anton, from Rumah Busang, Niah I would not stop demanding due justice for their NCR land.
For yourself Dayaklama, sometimes I wonder for whom you are beholden to ? What will you stand to lose if PR win the parlimentary majority in the next GE ?
On the mainstream media (TV and newspapers) : many new generations of Malaysians are turned off by the bias reporting even if one is not favouring any political party.
What the Ministry of Information may have failed to understand is that educated Malaysians who have seen real democratic life in other countries,can’t stand bias reporting. Period.If RTM and TV3 wants to mold young peoples mind to be critical – to face the modern globalized world, then they should give equal programming space for opposition politician to make their case to the public. If they make a fool of themselves, let the public be the judge.But nooo, the last time I look, even empty headed newscasters make unwarranted editorial remarks.
Just like in this blog, the Tuai Rumah does not block any opinion : on the contrary – I notice the Tuai Rumah publish out contrarian views – for debate.Shouldn’t you think the 3 real Tuai Rumah to be equally magnanimous ?
To the extent that the debate is held in a civil and rational manner, the outcome would be good for DayakBaru readers – where ever they maybe on the political divide. I’m hearten by the good postings – especially by youthful minds – on both sides of the political divide. There is hope for Dayaks – if the intellectual capital can progress beyond kedai kopi polemics, so they can master their own destiny.
Sometimes though, the polemics of taking no prisoners is practised here. And that to my mind, does not generate any new insight on the problems and challenges the Dayak have, sitting in the lowest rung of the social/economic ladder. Still, it would have been better to have engaged, than not. The 3 Tuai Rumahs, refused to engage – to their own loss :and their action tarnish the reputation of Iban longhouse hospitality. Not good, and pitiful.
dayaklama on October 1st, 2009 11:02 am
For yourself Dayaklama, sometimes I wonder for whom you are beholden to ? What will you stand to lose if PR win the parlimentary majority in the next GE ?
We just want the Dayaks to be on the right side of history, and not going stray by figthing a lossing battle. Initiates changes from within BN and that is our massage. Taib, Jabu, Chan ukai nyadi batu, sida nya ukai idup belama ia.
Dayaklama will not and never will endorse any attempt by Malaya to colonise us and for that very reason we will oppose DB till the very end.
We are quite adamant that by going against the establishment our community is at the losing end.History as proven that.
jojis on October 1st, 2009 11:07 am
huh? BN is the right side of history while opposition is not? what makes you think so ? based on what facts?
isnt BN from malaya?

PE on October 1st, 2009 11:12 am
I know one of thr TR- Macmillan Bau anak Nyawai, a former drilling superitendent with SHELL and when i spoke to him he told me that they were FORCED to say this and that to discredit the PKR. Deep in his heart he is a staunch PKR supporter, FULLSTOP>
Tulin Anak Sarawak on October 1st, 2009 11:52 am
Tabi Bala kaban,Aku tu ukai orang ke berpolitik, tang bisi minat macha comment ari sepiak2, baika ari BN tauka PR.
Ari semua comments ke udah di baca aku ari atas nya tadi:
Penyukong BN nyemetak amai deka ngulihke diri empu aja, serta nadai kira panjai deka nyangkung bala anak,ucu dudi hari ila.Sempama, enti bini sida iya di-jual kena ngulih ke pengaya, sida iya mesti sanggup.Bakanya ko penemu sida ke agi nyukong “BN Sarawak RAJA RASUAH”.Sampai ke Temuda,tanah NCR abis di rogolbala ketuai-tuai BN di menua tu, kena sida ngisi ke pengaraja ke diri empu aja….huhuhuhus.
Penyukong PR,udah nyemetak amai deka ngetan reta enggau bangsa serta berunding ke bala anak,ucu dudi hari ila, lalu enggai di rogol serta nyelamat ke harta benda bala aki,ini ke duli hari ila, kena nyelamat ke pengidup bala rebak dudi ila.
Nya-alai,penemu bala sida ke sepiak ari PR, tetapngena.Anang ngira Parti datai ari ni,ari ni jam ke diatu.Asal Perintah BN RAJA RASUAH tu olih tumbang, udah meh nya…kena kitai muka jalai dulu.
Ngagai ke ucak ke madah ke diri bisi 11 taun diau di semananjung din suba. Nama keja nuan din suba?anang2 nuan tu kuli serta nyadi ulun bala contractors ti ngaga rumah din.Engka ke nangka nya aja menua ke udah di tengah nuan, apin cukup nya.Munyi madah ke-diri, enggi aku semak 1/2 dunya tu ti udah di tengah aku, lalu udah meda orang ke abis tanah nadai agi endur idup ngujung ke bala sida nyadi kampar layar,pantuk sari, makai sari.Tu utai ke di-kirau ke kitai ngagai bala rebak anak,ucu rebak dudi hari ila….nemu kita ke nilat pelir/burit ketuai BN RAJA RASUAH Sarawak.
Nya aja,Terima KasihMr.Partyless
lebuh maia bepilih menua Sarawak ke datai tu ila.

Lintong on October 1st, 2009 12:10 pm
Personally, I think that is what 1Malaysia, 1Sarawak,1BN meant. A stupid vision.It was imposed on IGNORANT Dayak TRs in Skrang.
Dayak Baru know that 1Malaysia is RUBBISH,a gimmick meant to gather support for UMNO,with all members insisting on having KETUANAN MELAYU.
It was wrongly spelt,it should have been 1MELAYU, as the majority of UMNO members want.

gnmawar on October 1st, 2009 1:39 pm
Lintong… yes they still want to maintain their Ketuanan Melayu status … and they are asking the non-malays to help them.
Ijauberani on October 1st, 2009 1:50 pm
Niboh kira sidanya parti penyakal tauka parti Bn datai sida ti Tr tuk patut bisi basa enggau adat nyambut sapa-sapa aja temuai. Kitai bansa dayak beberita manah ari segi adat engau kaul enggau org datai. Nya aja

Panjai Runding Panjai Ruai on October 1st, 2009 2:18 pm
Enda manah penemu,deka muai adat basa bala tuai BN pia?Nya kebuah sida meri jako lalau kena sida ka ngemeli bala Tuai Rumah enggau kitai maioh tu neh !!
Pandak runding sida nya,ukai kitai idup seari aja.Party Pembangkang diatu tau nyadi perintah dudi ari ila.
Dayaks mindset can change and change we must.

Apai Migul on October 1st, 2009 3:08 pm
1Malaysia is important to Taib and Najib because the Malays are running away from UMNO. They need the support of the Indians, Chinese and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak for their political survival.
But always remember, these politicians are always having other agenda behind the 1Malaysia concept. Who knows one day we have one language (Malay)and one religion (….). This can happen because we Dayaks always follow people blindly.

Akih Empangop on October 1st, 2009 6:57 pm
Dingaka memanah meh penemu Unggal Dayaklama nya. I think he is trying to defend Sarawak from being totally colonized by the west. He rather prefers to sink and swim with the Sarawak-based party or even don’t mind the only one race to rule and divide the ethnic party in the state. 1M probably means all no.1 posts in the govt machineries are for the M-race only.

Petara Sida Penan on October 1st, 2009 8:03 pm
Ugahchua,Tr Mau,Tr Bau n Tr Rimong. Kami dah nadai menoa, ulih kami ngambi tanah, rumah panjai kita, kebuah kami nadai menoa kena bah ai ari projek Murun!

Gerakan Kongress Dayak Malaysia on October 2nd, 2009 9:13 am
Cawat mentaliti, politik keldai, penjajahan propaganda…

gkm2020 on October 2nd, 2009 9:16 am
Regardless of the “seasoned issues”, the Dayak specially the “Iban” and/or the “apai” must think of their next generation needs and sustainability. Failing which they would be better be “dead” for good….
If you can’t “cari makan” in Sarawak and/or Malaysia then get out of the box and find it elsewhere. Your life is yours and no one can dictate and/or program your life on what GOD has given onto you. Don’t waste it when you only got one chance to fulfill it. No one can help the Iban if not they themselves!! Politics is just an excuse; why not exercising your rights?
Yesterday, I noticed a person waiting for a bus who was staring off into space. Nothing wrong with a good daydream, mind you. But this person was carrying with him that dead-stare and a terribly shattered face. I don’t mean he was disfigured. I mean his mind had put on his face a look that said, “I am down for the count; I’m never getting back up again.”
Ever felt that way? Like you are buried under a heap of rubble and they are never going to find you before it is too late. I supposed we all do for time to time. Any number of things can happen in this life to seemingly destroy that life in a minute. Here’s a partial list: death of a spouse, loss of a job, kid gets into drugs and overdoses, terrible car wreck in which someone is killed, health is suddenly and inexplicable gone, crippling accident occurs, you never saw it coming. Yes, these and many other human tragedies are bad. I am not making light of them at all.
But what do they all have in common? You have to move on from them. Yes, if you are to remain alive, your have to get yourself out of the rut you have put yourself in for whatever reason. And move along. A rut is nothing more nor less than an open-ended grave – yours.
You have to recover if you are to be who you were meant and created to be. And you do that be being adventurous. Yes, the way to move on no matter what has happened in your life is to be adventurous. No, you don’t need to forget. That probably won’t happen anyway. But you do have to pick yourself up and move on.
I know it is not easy. But it is possible. It is necessary for you to move on. So, rut not yourself. Do something, anything, even the smallest of activities, do something new in the next hour. Begin again.
Change Now, Move on, Move Forward. Start now!

Iban Johor on October 2nd, 2009 10:08 am
“If you can’t “cari makan” in Sarawak and/or Malaysia then get out of the box and find it elsewhere. Your life is yours and no one can dictate and/or program your life on what GOD has given onto you. Don’t waste it when you only got one chance to fulfill it. No one can help the Iban if not they themselves!! Politics is just an excuse; why not exercising your rights?”
The above paragraph by gkm2020 is a must read for people like KuncitMuncit and Cikgu Iban and the alike.Thinks about your life and not others.

PenijauMuda on October 2nd, 2009 11:24 am
Rumah orang iban sarawak tutup pintu buatPKR.
Rumah orang iban sarawak ? nama reti jako tu semua rumah orang iban kah ?
Then 3 Tuai rumah,TR Mau (68 yrs old too old to know what’s going on in the world or maybe still besirat.)TR Bau (58 yrs old an ex-drilling supt. with shell) lama udah diau di menoa orang lalu enda agi ingat ka adat Dayak(Iban) agi.TR. Rimong (39 yrs old) baru deka ngankat kediri, takut dibuai orang ari nyadi TR. All these 3 TR already being brainwash by BN subordinate like unggal Ugahchua and DL..etc..etc…
Unggal Ugahchua said that PKR Lubok Antu Women Chief will resigned (Agnes) because PKR did not fulfilled promises. Mind you, they lost the last by-election you should ask where are the BN (who won the by-election ) and their promises where the RM 8 million projects? The Hospital,Bank,road to Ulu Engkari etc.. the police complex ? that’s before the by-election.All you have there now is no other then Ai Ijok. at the cowboy’s market.
Unggal MT thanks – you are a man of principle and not a parasite like some one out there or purposely closing one eye to reality – just to satisfy own self only – should I call him a Vampire which I did in other blog. ha..bye

Kepayang Rumbau on October 2nd, 2009 7:26 pm
Endaiiiiiii….pama amat meh sida TR ba menua nya neh? Pelaba aku tentu sida nya enda megai pengarap kristin tauka pengarap sida Panggau. Nyau sebaka enggau pengarap Osama Ladin ga nya munyi iya. Penemu ke baka nya meh mandangka kitai iban sigi udu jai penemu enggau urang, enggau pangan diri. Dupah sida nya teberika temuai tesat nya makai.
Aku arapka kitai iban anang ka kelalu jai enggau urang bukai amat meh nya penyakal tauka temuai kurap.
Orang Enteban on October 2nd, 2009 9:10 pm
Tr. Mau, Bau & Rimong ia ke bendar nadai mansut ka jako ka munyi ka di pansut ka ba surat khabar Utusan Borneo, Utusan Sarawak tau ka Borneo Post sida tiga iko tu kena tangkap lalu ambi gambar udahnya lalu dipansut ka dalam surat khabar.
Ia ke bendar orang ke empu jako madah ka enda nerima PKR nya jako ari Edwin Raoh ukai jako ari sida tiga. Enti enda pecaya tau uji kita nanya sida tiga iko tu amat ka enda sida bisi mansut ka jako munyi nya.

Kepayang Rumbau on October 2nd, 2009 10:00 pm
Akai wai…rumbau amat meh jaku Unggal Edwin Reraoh nya neh. Nyau reraoh madahka sida tiga nya jai baka Sama Ladin. Kasih meh sida tiga tu laban ke nadai assess tauka enda nemu ngerebakka DB blog tu ngiga rita penyai diri ke ditusi Unggal ke reraoh nya. Uji tak pambok enggau buah kepayang mengkal ke unggal nya!

Cikgu Iban on October 2nd, 2009 11:19 pm
1.”No one can help the Iban if not they themselves!!.…………………………………………..
Hey Iban Johor,
Yes, I am reading the same paragraph. Thanks for reminding me. And yes, I am thinking about my own life,my family life, my relative’s life, my people’s life, the Ibans’ life and so forth.
I know your main point in this paragraph is that the argument here reinforces your personal opinion that CARI MAKAN can be anywhere. In this case, for professional people like you, it is in Johor. Unfortunately, my point is: if BN is so friendly to you, why must you work outside the state?. Why do people say that sarawak is like a box as far as CARI MAKAN is concerned?.If you really wanna help the naive Iban lot, then you Iban Johor must play your role more effectively in major Iban areas rather than working in Johor. Coz only the Ibans can help the Ibans.
Therefore, would you believe that our CM and the likes could really help us , the Ibans?. What about Awang Tanah?. Do you think he would help us to really defend our NCR lands?.
Even the Iban YBs themselves never seem to have the Champion mentality. It is noticed that they only have RICH Mentality, i.e self enrichment at the expense of the Dayaks.
2.”Politics is just an excuse; why not exercising your rights?”
……………………………………………Well,With or without any involvement in politics, one still has to CARI MAKAN. I still need to soldier on.
Yes, I do wanna exercise my political rights but others see a different picture who stubbornly say it is wrong not to be with them.

dayaklama on October 3rd, 2009 4:40 am
Cigu Iban,
“Unfortunately, my point is: if BN is so friendly to you, why must you work outside the state?. Why do people say that sarawak is like a box as far as CARI MAKAN is concerned?”————————————————-Come on Cikgu Iban, we are in 1Malaysia and infact Sabahan and Sarawakian has been given that previlege long time ago because we don’t have to present our passport when going to Malaya. PM Najib just rephrased that again as reminder.
To DL, a “box” in this context means a place where you were raised and where your mother, father, brothers, sisters,relatives, friends, tanah, buah, and in short ” home “. Why? Was it wrong for you to leave your home for seeking something better? When you pursue for higher education you have to leave home and as a matter of fact you cannot progress further if you think too much about home.What about Chinese who live in diaspora throughout the globe? Would you suggest that they should come back as only the mainland China should promise them better jobs and future? In the contrary, Iban Johor is still in the country and you don’t perceived that Sarawak gomen failed to give decent jobs to them that was why they have to migrate as far a Johor.So i hope i answered your question.
This Iban Johor maybe just like Dr.John, MT, the way where is he now, and others as example.They left Sarawak and find KL is much better to expand their business empire but it does not mean that they forget their root.
Like Dr.John he always fly back home to give motivation talk and this is one way to HELP the Ibans.
IJ said that he and those 40,000 Dayaks in Johor are willing to fly home during election just to ensure BN remain in power. What does it means? This means that IJ HELP to boost the moral of the fellow ibans to vote for the BN. For DL,as far as HELP is concerned here, he had played his role.
Now if you are really sincere we have Iban leaders in the BN like Alfred Jabu, JJM, Mawan and why you distance yourself from them? These are the Ibans who are fighting for the Ibans and why you dislike them?
Now it’s time for you and DB to change your mentality and be positive on the efforts made by these leaders. If you are true Iban, you should not kill another Iban, i mean politically.Now having said that, so far what has Anuar done to help the Iban? DB always say, he is not the gomen yet, well then what he has significantly contributed to the well being of the Ibans while he was in UMNO back then?
On your ideology that ” Only Iban can help the felollow Iban ” then i don’t see anymore outstanding figure of Iban except those Ibans in the BN. So now Cikgu, you and other Ibans defactors in DB should go back to the BN.

aki ungkir on October 3rd, 2009 8:56 am
dayaklama,i’m new to this website and i have been reading all the comments or arguments rather. from what i read and with my little analysis on your writing, i would like to call you a loser or rather falls to the category of “mind of the victim”. Loser or mind of the victim will always try to find short cut ways and puts up negative answers. You are not helping the dayak to change. Change we must dayaklama. we must teach our dayak to stop blaming others, to wait for others to help them, to teach them to look for chance regardless of political region and teach them not to blindly belief in anybody. come on dayaklama, we must help our dayak base on our capability and zone. We need to change them. Don’t drag the dayak to uphold the inhuman policies of AKI UBAN enggau UMNO gomen. Aram kitai sama nyekat bala melanau tu ngambi pengaya menua sarawak tu ke sida iya aja. Aram kitai sama-sama ngiga orang ti ulih megai perintah ti ulih magi pengaya nya sama rata ngagai semua bansa ti bisi di menua sarawak tu.Nama dik enda meda utai ti nyadi be menua tu ka. Bala Aki Uban bisi tanah di serata menua sarawak. sebut aja ni bagi menua. kala nuan berunding nama kebuah sitak undi kunsil negeri majak dibagi, kala nuan bepikir nama kebuah sekula-sekula ti manah majak digaga ba menua tebal diuan bansa iya, kala nuan betatika nama kebuah SCORE ditumbuh ba menua diuan bansa iya lalu nama kebuah iya lari ari Asajaya ke Mukah?Pikir mih wai.

Kepayang Rumbau on October 3rd, 2009 9:30 am
Bala unggal ditu,
Anang ka bebendar ga ka nganu sida menyadi kitai Melanau nya. Ke temu aku, mayuh amat kitai iban jadi bekampi darah enggau sida Melanau. Dini kitai tau enggai meda sida iya. Nganu Uban enggau sida sebilik aja nya nadai ngawa ga, siigi disumpah. Jera asai sida sebilik bangat tak kelalu bam bamak ngerampas reta iban. Lagi nyau ngengai-ngai ga kitai iban ke sekibong sekatil enggau sida indu/lelaki Melanau. Hmmmmmm…..bisi ari enda idup enda ngelaban deh. Mayuh ga kitai iban udah kaya ulih ari sida uban nya. Kitai ke bedau ampit utai uban nya tau nguji minta tang enti enda bulih, tau sumpit ga iya.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Exchange Basis, Emas Ditukar Enggau Kelasau!

Idris Jala angkat sumpah menteri
Sep 2, 09 12:21pm

Bekas pengarah urusan Malaysia Airlines, Senator Datuk Seri Idris Jala, hari ini mengangkat sumpah memegang jawatan sebagai Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM) di hadapan Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin.

Istiadat itu berlangsung di Bilik Singgahsana Pelantikan, Istana Negara, sehari selepas Idris mengangkat sumpah sebagai Senator di Dewan Negara.Turut hadir Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Yang Dipertua Dewan Negara Datuk Wong Foon Meng dan beberapa menteri kabinet.Idris melafazkan ikrar sumpah jawatan dan taat setia dan kemudian menandatangani dokumen rasmi pelantikan disaksikan oleh Ketua Hakim Negara Tun Zaki Tun Azmi dan Ketua Setiausaha Negara Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan.Idris, 51, juga dilantik ketua pegawai eksekutif (CEO) Unit Penyampaian dan Pengurusan Prestasi (Pemandu) yang baru diwujudkan.

Sebagai CEO Pemandu, organisasi yang akan mengawal pelaksanaan inisiatif Indeks Prestasi Utama (KPI), Idris akan membantu dan melaporkan kepada Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon, menteri di JPM yang bertanggungjawab terhadap perpaduan nasional dan pengurusan prestasi. BERNAMA

Kasih Endar Ucu aku tu, Tak dikemeli ka menteri BN.

Diatu udah nyadi ulun MCA.

What wrong with Spiderman?!

"Climbing is my passion, my philosophy of life".
'Spiderman' didenda RM2,000, bersalah ceroboh menara KLCC
Sep 2, 09 10:58am

Alain "Spiderman" Robert mengaku bersalah di mahkamah majistret hari ini atas kesalahan menceroboh menara berkembar Petronas pagi semalam.

Pemanjat bangunan berasal dari Perancis yang tersohor di dunia - sehingga digelar "Spiderman" diwakili oleh tiga peguam yang diketuai oleh Wong Kian Kheong, peguam yang membela Abdul Razak Baginda.

Robert dituduh bawah Seksten 447 Kanun Keseksaan atau kesalahan pencerobohan jenayah di depan majistret Siti Shakirah Mohtaruddin.

Beliau dikenakan hukuman RM2,000.

Semalam, lelaki 46 tahun itu mula memanjat menara setinggi 88 tingkat itu pada Subuh dan sampai ke kemuncaknya dua jam kemudian, sebelum disedari oleh pegawal keselamatan di situ.

Percubaan pertama Robert untuk memanjat menara itu pada 20 Mac 1997, dan percubaan kedua pada 2007, gagal.

Robert bagaimanapun dibebaskan tanpa didakwa.

Beliau pernah memanjat Eiffel Tower di Paris dan Golden Gate Bridge di San Francisco.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Baru Aku Nemu

Below is the article that i received today via e_mail from my friend. Please read.

Michael Chick,

It's been interesting to read such free-flowing comments on an all "Malaysian" free for all. While we are on the subject, how many of you have read the book entitled "Contesting Malayness"? Written by a Professor of National University of Singapore . Cost S$32 (about).

It reflects the Anthropologists views that there is no such race as the "Malays" to begin with. If we follow the original migration of the Southern Chinese of 6,000yrs ago, they moved into Taiwan , (now the Alisan), then into the Phillipines (now the Aeta) and moved into Borneo (4,500yrs ago) (Dayak). They also split into Sulawesi and progressed into Jawa, and Sumatera. The final migration was to the Malayan Peninsular 3,000yrs ago. A sub-group from Borneo also moved to Champa in Cambodia at 4,500yrs ago.

Interestingly, the Champa deviant group moved back to present day Kelantan. There are also traces of the Dong Song and HoaBinh migration from Vietnam and Cambodia . To confuse the issue, there was also the Southern Thai migration, from what we know as Pattani today. (see also "Early Kingdoms of the Indonesian Archipelago and the Malay Peninsular") Of course, we also have the Minangkabau's which come from the descendants of Alexander the Great and a West Indian Princess. (Sejarah Melayu page 1-3) So the million Dollar Question. Is there really a race called the "Malays"?
All anthropologists DO NOT SEEM TO THINK SO. Neither do the "Malays" who live on the West Coast of Johor. They'd rather be called Javanese. What about the west coast Kedah inhabitants who prefer to be known as "Achenese"? Or the Ibans who simply want to be known as IBANS. Try calling a Kelabit a "Malay" and see what response you get. you'll be so glad that their Head-Hunting days are over. The definition of "Malay" is therefore simply a collection of people's who speak a similar type language. With what is meant by a similar type language does not mean that the words are similar. Linguists call this the "Lego-type" language, where words are added on to the root word to make meaning and give tenses and such. Somehow, the Indonesians disagree with this classification. They refuse to be called Malay. Anyhow you may define it. Watch "Malays in Africa "; a Museum Negara produced DVD. Also, the "Champa Malays" by the same. With this classification, they MUST also include the Phillipinos, the Papua New Guineans, the Australian Aboroginies, as well as the Polynesian Aboroginies. These are of the Australo Melanesians who migrated out of Africa 60,000yrs ago. Getting interesting? Read on. "Malay" should also include the Taiwanese singer "Ah Mei" who is Alisan as her tribe are the anscestors of the "Malays". And finally, you will need to define the Southern Chinese ( Funan Province ) as Malay also, since they are from the same stock 6,000yrs ago. Try calling the Bugis a "Malay". Interestingly, the Bugis, who predominantly live on Sulawesi are not even Indonesians. Neither do they fall into the same group as the migrating Southern Chinese of 6,000yrs ago nor the Australo Melanesian group from Africa .

Ready for this?

The Bugis are the cross-breed between the Chinese and the Arabs. (FYI, a runaway Ming Dynasty official whom Cheng Ho was sent to hunt down) Interestingly, the Bugis were career Pirates in the Johor-Riau Island areas. Now the nephew of Daeng Kemboja was appointed the First Sultan of Selangor. That makes the entire Selangor Sultanate part Arab, part Chinese! Try talking to the Bugis Museum curator near Kukup in Johor. Kukup is located near the most south-western tip of Johor.. (Due south of Pontian Kechil) Let's not even get into the Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekiu, and Hang Lekir, who shared the same family last name as the other super famous "Hang" family member. Hang Li Poh. And who was she? The princess of a Ming Dynasty Emperor who was sent to marry the Sultan of Malacca. Won't that make the entire Malacca Sultanate downline "Baba" ? Since the older son of the collapsed Malaccan Sultanate got killed in Johor, (the current Sultanate is the downline of the then, Bendahara) the only other son became the Sultan of Perak. Do we see any Chinese-ness in Raja Azlan? Is he the descendant of Hang Li Poh?

Next question. If the Baba's are part Malay, why have they been marginalized by NOT BEING BUMIPUTERA? Which part of "Malay" are they not? Whatever the answer, why then are the Portugese of Malacca BUMIPUTERA? Did they not come 100yrs AFTER the arrival of the first Baba's? Parameswara founded Malacca in 1411. The Portugese came in 1511, and the Dutch in the 1600's. Strangely, the Baba's ere in fact once classified a Bumiputera, but a decided that they were strangely "declassified" in the 1960's. WHY? The Sultan of Kelantan had similar roots to the Pattani Kingdom making him of Thai origin. And what is this "coffee table book" by the Sultan of Perlis claiming to be the direct descendant of the prophet Muhammed? Somehow we see Prof Khoo Khay Khim's signature name on the book. I'll pay good money to own a copy of it myself. Anyone has a spare? So, how many of you have met with orang Asli's? the more northern you go, the more African they look. Why are they called Negrito's? It is a Spanish word, from which directly transalates "mini Negros ".

The more southern you go, the more "Indonesian" they look. And the ones who live at Cameron Highlands kinda look 50-50. You can see the Batek at Taman Negara, who really look like Eddie Murphy to a certain degree. Or the Negritos who live at the Thai border near Temenggor Lake (north Perak). The Mah Meri in Carrie Island look almost like the Jakuns in Endau Rompin. Half African, half Indonesian. By definition, (this is super eye-opening) there was a Hindu Malay Empire in Kedah. Yes, I said right. The Malays were Hindu. It was, by the old name Langkasuka. Today known as Lembah Bujang. This Hindu Malay Empire was 2,000yrs old. Pre-dating Borrobudor AND Angkor Watt. Who came about around 500-600yrs later. Lembah Bujang was THE mighty trading empire, and its biggest influence was by the Indians who were here to help start it.

By definition, this should make the Indians BUMIPUTERAS too since they were here 2,000yrs ago! Why are they marginalized? So, in a nutshell, the "Malays" (anthropologists will disagree with this "race" definition) are TRULY ASIA !!! (main continent and West Asia included) Part 2 Here are some comments from Michael in answer to some Malays who have attacked him for penning this commentary. Greetings. This is Michael Chick. Unlike others who hide behind "anonymous synonyms" I came clear with my real name. The post which I put up was not a figment of my imagination but the end result of 3 years extensive research.

As such, the facts presented are clear-cut, straightforward and unassuming. Perhaps you would all like to chat with any anthropologist at UM before sending-off any flaming sparks in my direction again. These Professors should be as Malaysian as any of you. The subject matter is fact-based. To Bayi, "Contesting Malayness" is available at Kinokuniya at Takashimaya 4th floor, Orchard road. At a cost of S$32. It is also available at National University of Singapore . Why? Coz it's their textbook. Let me repeat; "Contesting Malayness" is an NUS textbook, published by NUS Press, written by Professor Tony Milner . To Achmad Sudarsono, calling the Malays a "race" is akin to calling the Hokkiens or the Javanese a "race". Please do not confuse the term "orang" with "Bangsa". What do I mean? The term orang is used by Malays to describe Orang Bugis, Orang Acheh, Orang Laut, Orand India , Orang Melayu. And here is where the confusion was.. Orang Melayu merely refers to the residents of Kampung Melayu near Jambi, near Palembang . Please use Google Earth to find its exact location. Unless you can say that all "Orang melayu" are descendants of that village, you simply cannot be called orang Melayu. In fact the name "Malay" has been traced to Lembah Bujang, where the Indian traders used to call the locals "Malai" (in Tamil) to describe the locals. The locals were animistic pagans at that time, and readily adopted Hindu practices and Indian customs. "Raja" and "Sultan" are Indian titles. The adat bersanding with the pelamin are of Indian origin. Even the "gifts-bearing" walk by the groom has its Indian roots. Please attend an Indian Wedding before flaming me again. Or have a chat with Prof Nik Hassan who is in charge of the Lembah Bujang archaeological excavations. Malaya, was therefore a derivative from Himalaya . "Sejarah Melayu" therefore was describing the Kampong Melayu origins. But here is where from pages 1-3 tell you that Kampong Melayu are descendants of Iskandar Zulkarnain (Alexander the Great) through the bloodline of a West Indian Princess. This came from Sejarah Melayu. This book is cheap. You can buy it at the University Malaya Bookstore for a mere RM35. It is published by MBRAS (Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society). Its patron member is Tun Hanif (ex-IGP) Please speak with Datuk Prof Zuraina Majid , who excavated "Perak Man". She will tell you that Perak Man is a descendant of the Australo-Melanesian stock African. National Museum of the Phillipines will verify that they came from Taiwan . And National University of Indonesia will confirm that they came from the Phillipines. Nik Aziz (PAS leader from Kelantan) will tell you that his grandfather came from Champa. To all Kelantanese, please explain the newly changed name of a Kampong near Bachok (close to the Pengkalan Chepa airport) to "Kampung Champa" to our friends here. Please also visit Museum Negara to see the exhibits on the "Dong Song" brass drums and Gua Cha in Kelantan near Gua Musang to see the Hoabinhian Caves . Dong Song and Hoabinh are in Indochina . And therefore, the locals are descendants from that region. The entire Northern States also have their roots from the Pattani Kingdom ; which today we call Thailand . In fact, please visit the Kelantan WWII museum to see the article on how Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu was part of Thailand from 1943-1945. Then walk over to the Kelantan State Museum to see the exhibit on Gua Cha to read their explainations of the Hoabinhian Cultures of Early Kelantan settlers. Malaysian Archaeologists call the early settlers Proto Malay. And the current settlers Deutero Malay. The scientific term is actually, Australo Melanesian (African) and Austranesian (Chinese, or Mongoloid).This is a DNA and bone structure classification. Even the term Negrito transalates from Spanish to mean "mini Negro". I hope that I've made myself comprehensible enough.

Feel free to ask any further questions to help clear the air. The "Malays" are NOT a race. I'm so sorry that you are only hearing this now. The rest of the Academic World has known it for years. By: Michael Chick on May 30th, 2007 At 2:44 am To address Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir and Hang Li Poh.. They were all related by the family name of "Hang". Please visit their graves in Malacca. Their graves are clear-cut Hindu. This was during the "Great Malacca Empire" when Parameswara was supposed to have converted to Islam. Why are "Legendary Defenders of the States' " graves Hindu? They are not having the spiral headstones, or the Batu Acheh type headstones. Instead, they are solid concrete blocks with traingular holes for incence and oil-lamp burning. Hang Tuah's grave (Kampong Keling) is another "conspiracy". Please read the inscriptions on the side, ". they found a large stone marking a grave, and therefore it must be Hang Tuah..". This grave was merely designed to be a tourist destination. Note that there are no names engraved anywhere. Just a big non-descript stone marking that a human body lies underneath it. Lastly, why is A muslim buried in Kampong Keling? keling meaning Indian? The subsequent question is why is Hang Tuah removed from current schoolhistory textbooks? One of two suggestions come to mind. He was pure fiction (please read Hikayat Hang Tuah before flaming me again), or as the Bugis Museum Curator in Johor will insist, that Hang Tuah was Chinese. So were the rest of his "blood brothers". They were all Chinese; and related to Hang Li Poh. Let me pose a simple question to you, Why is it, that when you visit Malacca to see the great historical Malaysian City/ State, you see the Portugese "A-Famosa" gateway, or the Red Dutch buildings like Christchurch, or even St. Paul's Church on St. Paul's Hill? Where is the evidence of "The Great Malaccan Empire"? Let me help you with that answer.. Published by Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka in a publication called "Melayu Journal" in 2005. ".. we had to look for an icon by which the Malays would be proud of.." Since Majapahit, Acheh, Lembah Bujang (Langkasuka) were either Hindu, on Indonesian soil, or both, Malacca was the only location left. The great Parameswara is, by the way buried on Fort Canning Hill downtown Singapore , for those of you who want to visit it.. They call it the "Keramat" immediately behind the National Musuem of Singapore . Please enlighten me by showing me ONE single piece of evidence of "The Great Malaccan Empire". Even Dewan Bahasa couldn't. Perhaps any one of you could. Evidence, and not mere gut-feeling please. Also, please consult Prof Khoo Khay Khim before flaming me again;

Thank you

Babi se-kilo diatu rega iya RM 18.00, Tulang Rm 15.00 di Simanggang.

Mati kitai Dayak Iban.
arap ka Kerajaan BN ulih netap ka rega murah agi.

Change We Must.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why English should not be taught in Bahasa Malaysia

Posted by admin

Tuesday, 07 July 2009 15:20

There is currently a brouhaha going on about the proposed teaching of Science and Maths in English. Some would like these two subjects to be taught in Bahasa Malaysia. I am not too concerned about Science and Maths. I am more worried about English. I feel English should no longer be taught in Bahasa Malaysia.

NO HOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin
And why do I think that English should not be taught in Bahasa Malaysia? Well, maybe this circular from one of Malaysia’s leading universities would explain everything.


Dear Sport Friends,

Regarding about the global issue H1N1 happens around the world, sadly to be informing that our UiTM International Sports Fiesta will be postponing to 19-23 November 2009.For all teams which have been confirm to participate in our events, we have to say sorry for this announcements and our Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Health also advise to us to change the date for this current situation.By the date have been confirm incoming this November hopefully your teams still can participate in our event and don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.And again, we would like to say sorry about the date change for the sake of our health among us.See you in this November at UiTM Malaysia!!


Mr. Mustaza AhmadDirectorSports CentreUniversiti Teknologi MARAMalaysia

By the way, I have a friend who ensures that his kids say their prayers every night before they go to bed and one night be peeped into the kids’ room and overheard his seven-year old son utter this prayer:Oh, and by the way Lord, I also wish our Wakil Rakyat would be struck down by a sickness or knocked down by a car. I know, Lord, it is not very nice to wish for someone’s death but I have been told that it is okay to sacrifice one’s life if it is for the sake of the entire community. I mean, Lord, that is what soldiers do everyday. They die so that the rest of the people can have a good life.If our Wakil Rakyat were to die then there would be a by-election in our constituency. That would mean the government would spend hundreds of millions to upgrade the roads in our neighbourhood. Yesterday, I hit a huge hole in the road and fell down. I not only hurt my knee and elbow but my bicycle is now destroyed.I heard my dad say that the residents have been complaining for more than a year but the government still did nothing about the bad roads while our neighbour said that unless there is a by-election then don’t hope for anything to be done. So, if our Wakil Rakyat were to die, then there would be a by-election called and our roads would immediately be upgraded.My dad said he is not prepared to buy me a new bicycle because the economy is very bad and he does not have the money to spend on such things. But if there is a by-election then the government will give out free bicycle to all the kids and I will then get the new bicycle that my dad can’t afford to buy.Furthermore, my dad’s car has been stuck in the garage for the last three months because the road tax has expired and he can’t afford to renew it. So we now have to take a bus to go to town. If there is a by-election then the government will hand out RM1,000 ang pows and with this money my dad will be able to renew his road tax. Thank you, Lord, and I hope my wish is not too personal. I will talk to you tomorrow night, Lord, but in the meantime maybe you can see what you can do about the Wakil Rakyat thing that I wished for.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Aki Agi OffLine.

Mint Ampun ngagai bala kita laban Ruai aki agi di Seruri.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Badu Agi Kitai Ngelaban Perintah

Tu jako pesan aki ngagai bala kitai Rayat Sarawak. Badu agi kitai Pedis ati serta deka Numbang ka Printah BN laban Printah BN tu manah amat enggau Rayat Sarawak. Peda kita Menoa Kitai bisi 2 iko di ambi Perdana Mentri nyadi Mentri Penuh lalu 8 iko nyadi sapit Mentri Penuh.

Tu di baruh tu uchu List mentri kitai Dayak.

Douglas Uggah Embas - Menteri Minyak

1. Joseph Salang (Information, culture, arts and communication)
2. Jelaing Mersat (home ministry)
3. Joseph Entulu (rural development and territories)
4. Jacob Sagan (international trade and industry)

Peda kita Projek di menoa Lubok Antu.....Rm200 million deka diberi sida printah BN taun 2011 lalu maioh agi projek bukai deka di beri sia BN.

Manah perintah BN ia ke betuai ka UMNO tu. manah amat sida ia. Badu agi ngelaban sida ia au..uchu.

Badu Agi. Umbas nya masau ari kita. Anang Ngemedis ka Pala kita. Umbas!Cukupnya! Badu Agi!

Badu Agi Au uchu.!

Mupok Aku uchu.

Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban!
Change We Must!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Final Countdownt to Victory.

Wait until 8.00 pm on 7 April.
Wait for the Biggest Surprise in Sarawak.

Agi idup Agi Ngelaban.

Change We Must.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

PKR For N. 29 Batang Ai.

TO All Judas and The Stupid Ones Especially to all Liars. This Shoe will kick your Butt.

Change We must.

Sarawakians for Sarawak.

Agi idup Agi Ngelaban.